How much juice can you squeeze from a lemon? I had no idea there are quite a few websites that teach you how to get EVEN MORE juice from a lemon. That is what I thought about when I realized I was going to write this blog post, so of course I had to look it up.
Since this blog is about SQL, not lemons, let me explain where my mind was earlier this evening. I was sitting in a pizza joint waiting for dinner (the kids love Pizza night, and I love the no cooking), and I started typing up an email that I had been putting off because I just didnt have time for it. I was rather proud of myself that I used some time that would have normally been wasted. Then, I started thinking, what if I actually started looking for times like these to stick quick tasks into? And that got me thinking about... is that how the Donald Trump's of the world do it (the kind of people who look like they accomplish sooo much that it sometimes, almost convinces me I wont ever be ale to keep up)?
I am wanting to start a user group in my town. Actually, let me jump back a moment, I am planning things out and will make the final decision when I feel I have more data to use to decide if I can actually do a good job of it and if it is desired in the community. Part of my planning has been to try to decide if I can actually put the needed amount of time into it. I dont want to drop the ball on something else, nor this new project, just because I had a hair-brained idea.
My head was swimming with thoughts and I remember the last one that crossed my head, just before the pizza was served - "How am I going to be able to play computer games, if I am busy all the time?" I know, sounds crazy, who pictures a MOM playing computer games? But... I am not too shabby :) Its a valid point though, will I have enough quality time for me, even though I am going to have to spend more time being productive?
I am asking around for tips and opinions about what challenges others have faced when starting/leading a user group, and what their advice is for things I dont even know to ask about. We will see how they respond, and go from there. Ohh, if you have advice, please share - you can email me here
Hope you had a great day, and I will write again soon!