My Goals for 2018

When Doug Purnel (blog) and I became accountability partners, we had to define our goals and share them in order to keep each other accountable.  I wrote out my goals, but hadnt shared them until now (its March).  One of my goals was to find a new job and when I submitted 1 application in January, I didnt expect it to be the job I accepted (and then move out of state and start my new job all within 1 month)!

Now that things have calmed down, I am publishing my goals to everyone.  I will update this main post with links to the other blog posts I create as I complete these goals.


Quarter 1 2018

Prep for changes in 2018  Keep in mind: build on script library
  Keep in mind: automate more
  Post resume online; research companies; find a job

Learning  study for 1 cert - DBA test 70-462 (start in March)

Productivity  consisently fill out timelog very regularly/daily
  play with template for weekly review

Public Profile  write a blog 2x a month minimum
  Depending upon being chosen - possibly speak at TAMPA SQL Sat (Feb)

Personal  practice specifically being quiet and not interjecting myself into everything
  Depending: relocate to new location for new job
  Be Mindful of: change my volume from loud to "inside voice" level

Weight Loss  Drink 24 oz of water daily
  Be concious of and drink less soda
  Take lunches to work 2x a week
  Make morning smoothies 2x a week

Quarter 2 2018

Changes in 2018  Keep in mind: build on script library
  Keep in mind: automate more

Learning  study for 1 cert - DBA test 70-462
  take cert test - DBA test 70-462

Productivity  consisently fill out timelog very regularly/daily
  perform weekly review consistently

Public Profile  write a blog 2x a month minimum
  ideas: how to give back to sql community?

Personal  practice being comfortable in the quiet (don’t just speak to please myself)
  Be Mindful of: change my volume from loud to "inside voice" level

Weight Loss  Drink 48 oz of water daily
  No more soda at all
  Take lunches to work 3x a week
  Weigh myself weekly
  Make morning smoothies 3x a week

Quarter 3 2018

Changes in 2018  Keep in mind: build on script library
  Keep in mind: automate more

Learning  study for 1 cert - TSQL test 70-761
  Learn more - performance (server and query), query plans

Productivity  consisently fill out timelog very regularly/daily
  share weekly review progress in blog

Public Profile  write a blog 3x a month minimum
  ideas: how to give back to sql community?

Personal  practice specifically being quiet and not interjecting myself into everything

Weight Loss  Drink 64 oz of water daily
  No more soda at all
  Take lunches to work 4x a week with 2 "cheats" a month
  Weigh myself weekly
  Make morning smoothies 5x a week

Quarter 4 2018

Changes in 2018  Keep in mind: build on script library
  Keep in mind: automate more

Learning  study for 1 cert - TSQL test 70-761
  take cert test - TSQL test 70-761
  Learn more - stats, extended events

Productivity  consisently fill out timelog very regularly/daily
  review productivity/ perfect process

Public Profile  write a blog 3x a month minimum

Personal  practice being comfortable in the quiet (don’t just speak to please myself)
  Find a mentor

Weight Loss  Continue drinking 64 oz of water daily
  No more soda at all
  Take lunches to work 5x a week with 2 "cheats" a month
  Continue to weigh myself weekly
  Make morning smoothies 6x a week


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